Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Pruning Practices

As I washed my face this morning, I saw lots of wrinkles around my eyes! (I'm chalking it up to dry skin. Investigation pending.) But it was what I did not see that made me giddy as a schoolgirl.

It all began around my sophomore year of high school when I developed a large freckle in the curve of my shoulder/neck. As the years went by, this freckle morphed into a mole, which got larger and three dimensional. I almost got to the point of looking like this:

Some of you may have noticed it flapping in the breeze every time the fan pointed my way.

The doctor said it was a skin tag, and that the solution was to cut it off... at home... with scissors. Hence, I have sported this thing for years. But as it continued to grow and practically housed its own teeth and spinal column, it started to snag on purse straps. Once it became a play-thing for my preschooler, that was the final straw. Last night, The Hubs broke out the scissors and snipped that little SOB right off my neck. I almost documented the drama with my camera (I'm calling that proof that I'm heading into Blog Hysteria, a rare case of psychotic delusions that make a person think that all life's trivia should be documented in detail via the world wide web), but thankfully I thought better of it.

So this morning it was just me and my cracked face. And what do you know, I lost five pounds!


  1. five pounds?! that must have been one heck of a mole! ;) As someone who has had the one on the FRONT of my neck burned off twice, and cut off once - I'm convinced it's a survivalist and am leaving it alone. ;)

  2. For Reals, Kel?! I didn't know you were still at that thing! I remember when you had it frozen - what was that 1988?! If mine grows back, we'll introduce them and they can be life-long friends too! =)
