Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Okay, yes.

It is really unfortunate that I am such a negative thinker; by this I mean that I am dominated in my mind by the word "No." It permeates most of the thoughts I have and of course, then my actions. One of the most painful parts about this character flaw is that I chose to be a parent, and I've found that I can't hide the imperfect parts of myself in this parenting game. Thus, I often find "No" being a regular word in my daily communication with Pinkalicious. "No" is perfectly acceptable for discipline, and at this stage in life much of what I do is discipline and teach. But there are lots of things we could be doing with our time if I wasn't naturally responding "No" all the time.

This has been a subject of prayer for me lately, as now that Pinky has a little bro, I feel like 1,000,000 legitimate reasons to say "No" have crept into our lives. Yet it is more important than ever that I embrace our times together with a loud "Yes!" Today provided such an opportunity to be tested. After gymanstics and our errand-running, Pinkalicious asked if we could have a picnic at the park. Now, I could list for you five reasons why that was not a good idea today, but thankfully I was not on autopilot and I responded with "Okay, yes. Let's do it!" We picked up some Jack in the Box and went to the park. I am so glad we did. Enjoy some highlights of my Yay-saying!

Pinkalicious in her gymanstic-wear, ready to eat!

Mommy-daughter moment. Could I be any luckier?!!

A Rainbow!

Even Mr. Monkey was happy to be out of the house!

I really love watching her run - it's the embodiment of total joy. And even though her back is to me, I can tell that she's smiling. Can you?

More smiles on the blanket!

Time to go, Mr. Monkey! 12 weeks tomorrow!


  1. Wow, this really spoke to me...thank you :)
    Jen Bittle

  2. Chuck Swindoll emphasized that parents should agressively find reasons to say "Yes," as often as possible. You are off to a great start, Dana Doo! What absolutely adorable photos of all three of you! Yes, I could see Pinkalicious's smile, even from behind!

  3. My earlier comment didn't come through, but I never thought of you as a negative thinker. You have always been so positive, a possibility thinker, Dana.

  4. Wow! 12 weeks already! I too am such a nay-sayer! I am encouraged to say yes a little more often!

  5. We are so similar Dana- I sometimes say "no" outloud, even when I MEANT to say "yes"! That's pitiful! You are totally right, and I too have mindfully tried to attempt more "yeses" even when they are not the most convienent route for mama. =) Way to go, Danus...look at what that two-letter word almost made you miss out on!

  6. Dana, I love your honesty. With a baby it is so easy to get caught up in the world of "no." At this moment Em's asking, "Mommy, I want to go outside and play." Hummmmm. What should my answer be. "Dude, chill out girl! I'm in the middle of making dinner!!!!!" At least I won't say "no." LOL Neva

  7. I love it! It is so easy to say "no"; I do way too much and you've totally encouraged me to not always just go for the easier thing! Thanks, Dana!
