Friday, May 7, 2010

Lame Pioneer

I first heard about The Pioneer Woman from "Christi, my Facebook friend from MOPS." Christi and I attend MOPS together but things are so busy at the meetings that I think we've only talked in person two times. So the only real keeping up we do with each other (or at least, I do with her) is through Facebook, where I enjoy the tales of her kiddos and the projects she's up to (a super crafty girl!). The reason I put her title in quotes is because that is how I always refer to her when I talk to The Hubs about her; "Christi, my Facebook friend from MOPS, is on a cruise!" or "Christi, my Facebook friend from MOPS, uses cloth diapers!" Christi MFBFFM inspires me with all that she is able to accomplish with four preschoolers, and Christi is inspired by The Pioneer Woman.

Today I tried a recipe from The Pioneer Woman called Onion Strings. You can find the recipe here: (okay, I thought I just added a link and I have no idea where it went... so, if it's still not here when I post, just copy and paste like it's 1997.). I have done a Dana version of her recipe sharing and I charted my journey through onion strings with my expert photog skills (p.s. if you haven't figured it out, I'm Napolean Dynamite when it comes to skills).

Dana and Onion. The beginning of a journey.

Dana bested by the onion, smiling through the tears. Cursed root vegetable!

Onion slices soaking in buttermilk. Drown, you delicious beasts!

Last night's Jello frosted over in the fridge! Treasures abound.

My cutie girl (nickname still pending) with the Jello ice. Science is everywhere!

Fry, baby, fry!

The pan handle I foolishly grabbed without a mit while frying the onions. Cuidado! El handle esta muy caliente!

Frazzled by my burnt hand, I dumped a bunch of onions in without flour. Here are some rescued wimps.

At this point, my house began to smell of burning oil. I forgot to take a picture of the final product, but they were delicious!

I'm not much of a pioneer. I didn't even like "Little House on the Prairie" (Michael Landon, you are no big fig). But looking at the pile of dirty dishes from this recipe attempt, I know I will need to be a conqueror.


  1. I really liked the final product but that "cutie girl (nickname still pending)" is the best.

    Anonymous Hubs

  2. These were soooo yummy. I must have used the largest onion in the world, because I had enough to keep them in buttermilk, and keep making them for three days!

  3. Every time I hear you talk about cooking mess ups I wonder if you learned anything about cooking while we were in Poland and then I remember the baking soda/baking powder mistake and can't help but laugh. I love reading your blog!

