Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Summer's Horizons

So here we are teetering between May 31 and June 1, Pinkalicious is done with preschool, MOPS is over for the year, The Hubs is running finals at work, and any remnant of a schedule is out the window.  I am almost twitchy at the thought of the wide open months ahead.  To combat this, I've been considering how I wanted my summer days to look, and while I was scribbling out my weeks today, I received an invitation to join a contest.  It's not a Seinfeld contest, though let me assure you that I am master of my domain, queen of the castle.  Rather, it's a contest between friends based on organizing our homes and building a routine for keeping it clean.  I'm SO jazzed!!!  It couldn't have come at a better time! 

Entering summer is usually a bit painful for me. As a stay-at-home mom, I go about my day with the kids doing whatever is scheduled within our weekly routine. But when summer comes and The Hubs finishes teaching, he is home day after day and I'm thrown for a loop. I love him, I feel so lucky to have extra time to spend together, and these weeks of togetherness as a young family each year are precious, but there is about a week of transition for me where he is totally in my space. On the flip side, at the end of the summer I spend about a week wondering what I'm supposed to do now that he is back to work. It's all in my brain. My little twisted brain.  I think this contest is going to help give some structure to my day like I've been craving.

Today I bought the book Sink Reflections that we are basing our routines on and I read through chapter 1.  I hope to get further along tomorrow during gymnastics practice (the one constant in our week that I can rely on. At least until Vacation Bible School, and swimming lessons, and vacation... just breathe, Dana.).  There's  a point system for keeping track of our chores and it looks like we're moving in baby steps, which is promising.  We are beginning June 2 and ending August 26.  Wish me luck!  Winner takes the prize money!! 

I'll keep you apprised of my journey - blogging is definitely on the schedule.


  1. What is the book Sink Reflections about? I've got to get myself organized and figure out some sense of schedule for kids and myself during summer. I've got to get into stay home mom mode. I'm looking for things to do with the kids.

  2. It is about decluttering your house and getting into a routine of cleaning everyday in little ways. So much of it is stuff my mom does but I never adopted it as my own. =)
    You can check it out at www.flylady.net where she gets you started on a day to day plan. The website starts with very small babysteps, but the book is not so slow.
    For me, I'm excited about the prospect of retraining my mind to catch the crumbs and the spills instead of glancing over them and creating a BIG job to do later.

    Let me know if you do it - I'd love to hear how it suits you!! =)
