Wednesday, June 16, 2010


I'm failing at this blog. 

Well, I'm kind of choosing to fail.  And I'm choosing to fail because as I surmised in my first post, this really does feel like an exercise in megalomania.  I really don't need another reason or venue to be thinking more about myself - I'm pretty stellar at that while I'm doing everything else.

I don't think I'm going to close the blog down, though, because in it I have rediscovered my love for writing.  It's so hard as a stay at home mom to preserve a sense of self, and I forgot some of my own talents.  But I'm truly not balanced enough to dedicate an hour a day to my own production when there are so many other things to do and people to care for.  Someone is always getting left behind.  That's kinda the whole reason I'm at home anyway;  not to vacation or to use my kids as an excuse for years of "me-time" but to do the job of being a mom of babies and wife to the best of my ability, which currently requires me to be at home (cause I'm the worst multi-tasker in the world!). 

So for now, I'm not sure where this is headed or when/if I can find the time to return to the day-to-day posting.  The desire is there, and will remain, I think.  Farewell Day-to-Day Dane.  Hello reality.


  1. I will miss your musings. I don't see it as an exercise in megalomania but more of a way for me to "talk" with you and see what you're up to. It's funny, but when I read it - the voice I hear is most definitely yours :) Love and miss you!

  2. Why can't Day to Day Dane mean it's about your every day life? That doesn't have to mean you post every day. Keep posting when time permits, I like reading it.

    - Laurie

  3. I agree with the comments before mine. Remember, "Whatever you do, in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus." You are trying to follow this principle, and I commend you for it. Do what you can with what you have. Is that a verse, too? ;-} -Mom

  4. Don't quit!!

    I love reading your thoughts. And I love reading your adventures with Pinky and Monkey. I enjoy hearing you tell me the stories it is really fun to read them as well.

    Please don't stop ... slow down if you need to ... but please don't quit!!


  5. I'll read whatever you post, whenever you have time to post it. :) It makes me feel closer to you, even though I haven't actually seen you since you got married oh so long ago.

  6. Well as long as you don't give up Fb so we can keep in touch. Justice is asking about you. I will miss you and Traci @ pick up time when they start school.

  7. It's Mariella, the friend from a time before children and in the days of youth ministry. I checked your blog after reading Tam's post to you in reference to your blog and thus I am here, commenting.
    You are a funny girl, this I have known about you for a long time. But an excellent writer-I never knew this.
    Keep it up, I love it and it looks like I am not the only one. :)
    So good to hear that you are well-not good, and for the record: I am totally hesitant writing to you. I am an English major, not because I love literature but because I love linguistics, and this makes me all the more nervous to write and make a mistake. Finally, Larissa corrected me a lot for a long time. At first, this was helpful sometimes and annoying a lot of times. Now, I appreciate it and it is part of the reason why I am passionate about teaching English to Second Language Learners. So, correct but do so with love and compassion towards us mistake makers.
