Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Penne with Five Cheeses, House with Four Baezas

Tonight was a success!!

I got the table set. Notice my anniversary flowers featured on the table!

Here are the leftovers. It was delish! A BIG thanks to Becka for helping me figure out the timing in one casserole dish.  I do not have to feel a failure that I don't have gratin dishes.
The Hubs suggested adding shrimp next time - brilliant man! I think that by using whole wheat pasta, there was more liquid in the sauce that would have been absorbed by regular pasta. Also, the suggestion to dab butter at the top was weird, as all it did was create pools of butter. I'd nix it next time. We all were full from the pasta and Jaime's delicious salad (with homemade croutons - HELLO!!) so there are leftovers for tomorrow. Bonus!

Check out the cutest hostess gift EVER! Jamus totally made it herself and I don't want to cover it up with a cake!  To see how to make your own, check out Jaime's blog "The Baeza Blog" on the list of blogs I'm following.

All in all, I was silly to stress. The floor was still unmopped and unvacuumed and there were watermarks all over the counters. The company made it a wonderful night. The company, and the fact that I did get to shave. =)

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