Monday, December 6, 2010


The end of October was great time with lots of friends this year! The Backlund Family hosted a group of us for pumpkin carving with the kiddos. I stayed home with MonkeyBoy - I can't remember why now (as I am typing this, it is December 6!) - so The Hubs was the pumpkin master. It really was quite elaborate with patterns and tools and so much more than merely the triangle eyes and nose that I carved every year.

The Hubs came home telling me all about how it was really the adults who did the carving and people were really into it and how I would have been so grossed out if I was the one who had to do it.... What? First of all, I prepare dinner. I am well acquainted with thrusting my hand into carcasses and removing organs, so I can handle some seeds and string. Secondly, welcome to pumpkin carving!! But little did I know that he had never carved a pumpkin before!!!! As in, his family never bought a pumpkin and never cut shapes into it. Ever. ...  WHAT?!  I was still carving pumpkins in college! Yes, they were of the same caliber as the ones I did with my dad in second grade, but still, that's the fun of it, right?

So here is Pinky AND Hubs' first ever pumpkin carving!!

"They" did a Mickey Mouse one and Dad added a bow on top. =)

The Gang.  These friends make me smile. =)

Not even a week later, our pumpkin was haunted.  Hubs didn't know you had to clean out the pumpkin REALLY WELL. Ah, science in action.

On HallowHarvest a few families went trick-or-treating together.  It was fun for the kids but also for the adults.  At least it was for me.  My favorite part was mocking the tacky moms' costumes.  One mom was a slutty lady bug wearing stiletto heels, thigh-high stockings with bows on them, and some sort of cleavage-y  red and black costume with wings.  I'm sure her son is going to treasure that memory when he gets older.  And then there was BatGirl - the 45 year old cougar in a skin-tight super hero suit with thigh-high stiletto boots (take that, Lady Bug) whose 20 year old boyfriend stood on the lawn of each house occupying himself with his Boost Moblie phone, yo, while holding her Coach purse as she trick-or-treated WITH HER OWN BUCKET and her 10 year old son in a Scream mask.  Scream indeed.

Now, onto the kid fun!

Here are three of the five Disney Girls! Miss Jenna was also Alice in Wonderland and Delaney was Minnie.

Pinky was Tiana.  She brought her Littlest Pet Shop frog in her bucket for authenticity.

Glow necklace!  So Fun!!

Here I am with the Monks in his little bear onesie.  No doubt I inspired someone to blog about the baby-wearing, overweight woman with the Elvis collar who still sports a retainer.

I'm including this because almost every time I pose with Pinky, we have one of these photos in the batch.  It is so hard to get her to look at the camera (she's always looking to the side like the kid on Sixth Sense)! The Hubs and I are both trying to coach her, and I lose my patience VERY quickly.  So here is a glimpse of the reality of Dana, the wonderful mom. You will observe that I ruined the ONE photo we had of her looking at the camera in this pose. 

I see dead people.  They want me to do things for them. Like trick or treat.  And smile pointlessly at the camera.

There's my sweetheart. 
Happy Halloween!

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