Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Since When?

Driving home after dropping Pinks at school, I was listening to the radio and heard a horrifying report about 250 dead bodies that have been found this year in the Arizona desert. They believe that these are people who have tried to cross into the US and died due to extreme weather and rough terrain.  When asked to comment, the Mexican Consul's response to this tragedy was that the US government needs to change its laws so more people can enter legally. This was not the response I was expecting, although I don't know why I'm surprised.  It is completely congruous with our cultural trend of shirking standards.

Problem: Too many kids are failing in school.
Solution: Teachers shouldn't give them bad grades.  Students don't need to get the work right; teachers should give them full credit if they try.  They're only 17 year olds.

Problem: Too many people are doing drugs illegally.
Solution: Legalize drugs.  Then people won't have to go to jail for doing what they're already doing.  AND, we can make money by taxing them.

Problem: People don't want to come to church and feel bad.
Solution: Don't talk about sin or a holy God.  Then everyone will come!  Surely the love of Christ is enough to cover the fact that we won't teach the Bible.

Problem: People are dying while trying to come into the country illegally.
Solution: Stop requiring so much to get in, America.

Accountability is overrated.  Certainly the way to deal with people breaking the rules is to eliminate the rules.  That will go over just as well in our society as it would in a kindergarten classroom.



  1. there should be a "like" button on blogger =)

  2. Very well said. I completely agree.

  3. Preach it girl! How about running for school board? Start going to some school board meetings and asking these questions. You might find supporters in your local Republican party. Think about it.

  4. @Anonymous - your comment made me laugh!! First, because I haven't run for anything since I got worked over in my attempt at 6th Grade Vice President (ah, the humiliation is flooding back to me). Secondly, because I didn't know my views were Republican. This, of course, made The Hubs laugh when I told him. I guess I am under-informed.

    But thanks for your positive remark! I don't really have any solutions; only judgmental comments from the peanut gallery. =) But your suggestion has now inspired me and I have something else to act out in front of the bathroom mirror besides my well-rehearsed Academy Award acceptance speech!!
