Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A Total Lemming

Why blog? Everyone else is.
I need the D.A.R.E. program for the Internet. Being a follower is what brought me to a Gmail account and online chatting as well as Facebook. And here I am, having noticed that four of my friends have started blogs in the last four months, beginning a blog. I will take the opportunity of congratulating myself on not pursuing Farmtown, however. I guess I have limits on the peer pressure I cave into.
Will I seize this opportunity to delve deeply within? To display my culinary prowess? Will I be the next Julie Julia? I sit here envisioning the opening scene of my movie, Dana DeVries being played by one Cameron Manheim, typing away something fantastic. I suppose I should write a better first entry if this is going to read by a voice-over as the pretend Dana types furiously with "This is How We Do It" playing in the background. Alas, this blog will probably be an insipid exercise in megalomania with no prospect of feature film red carpet grandeur. Simply day-to-day Dane.


  1. yeah!!!!!!! can't wait!!! i'll add you to my list of blogs i check out daily. :) :) aren't i a loser? :)

  2. Love you! I completely support the megalomania if it comes with its own feature film.

  3. Dana, you are so entertaining! I am not seeing Camryn Manheim though...I am seeing Sandra B. You always make me smile.

  4. So fun! Welcome to the world of blogging! Can't wait to read postings! Love your facebook status's so can only imagine how funny you'll be over here ;-)

  5. Ahh! I'm so excited! I've missed hearing your "ramblings" and now we're back! (and no worries, I still trip over my married name all the time. People at work must think I'm Kelly haver-marco"
